Electoral Survey Methodology: Insight from Japan on using computer-assisted personal interviews. London: Routledge (2016), (Edited with Masaru Kohno).
* Public Opinion, Annals of Japanese Political Science Association 2014-I. Tokyo: Bokutakusha (2014), Editor.
* Politics and Economy under the "1955 Political System" in Japan: A Time-Series Analysis of the Jiji Survey Data. Tokyo: Bokutakusha (2001), (with Ichiro Miyake and Masaru Kohno).
Book Translations:
* Surveys with Confidence: A Practical Guide to Survey Research, by Mark Rodeghier. Tokyo: Maruzen (1997), (with Hiromi Nishizawa).
Articles and Book Chapters:
* "Comparative Study of Electoral Systems and Japan's Participation: How it Happened and Continued to Develop" Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies 39-2, 2024, 18-25.
* "What Determines Attitudes towards Hate Speech Regulation" Chuokoron April Issue, 2019, 179-180 (with Masaru Kohno).
* "Chapter 9:Conclusion." inUsefulness of Deliberation, Effects of Careful Consideration: Political Philosophy and Empirical Analysis, editied by Aiji Tanaka. Keisoshobo, 2018.
* "Widening Political Inequality in Japan during the 'Lost Two-Decades': A Puzzle Related to the 'Bigger Welfare Service vs. Smaller Tax' Question" Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha Law Review) 69, 2018, 59-91.
* "'Deliberation With' vs. 'Dliberation Within': A search for New Methods to Measue Citizen's Needs" Rebaiasan 61, 2017, 9-31 (with Aiji Tanaka, Junichi Saito, and Kohei Tabei.
* "Making Elections Work as an Opportunity to Express Policy Preferences." HOUGAKU Seminor 747, 2017, 59-60.
"Social desirability bias and the Japanese voters" with Koichi Kuriyama in Masaru Kohno and Yoshitaka Nishizawa eds., Electoral Survey Methodology: Insight from Japan on using computer-assisted personal interviews. London: Routledge, 2016, Chapter 4, pp. 57-73.
* "Progamming of WCASI System and Survey Interface." In A New Horison of Survey Research with CASI, edited by Airo Hino and Aiji Tanaka. Tokyo: Keisoshobo, 2013, pp. 69-91 (with Kiichoro Arai and Koichi Kuriyama).
* "Survey Design and Sampling." In A New Horison of Survey Research with CASI, edited by Airo Hino and Aiji Tanaka. Tokyo: Keisoshobo, 2013, pp. 23-57 (with Airo Hino and Masaru Kohno).
* "Electoral Strategies of Prefectural Assembly Members and their Vote Share." Rebaiasan 51, 2012, 33-63.
* "To Randomize or Not to Randomize in Computer Assisted Personal Interviews." (Research Note) Policy Science (Journal of the Policy Science Association of Ritsumeikan University) 50, 2012, 461-481.
* "The Japanese Voters and the Democratic Party of Japan's Vistory at the 2009 General Election: An analysis of Survey Data" Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha Law Review) 63, 2011, 253-293.
* "An Attempt to Reduce Social Desirability Bias Using a Full-Scale CASI." Rebaiasan 46, 2010, 51-74.
"Economic Voting: Do Institutions Affect the Way Voters Evaluate Incumbents?" In The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems, edited by Hans-Dieter Klingermann. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 9, 2009, 193-219.
* “A New Way of Measuring Trust: Intention and Ability.” The Waseda Journal of Political Science and Economics 370 (2008).
* “On 'Comparative' Electoral Studies.” Rebaiasan 40 (2007).
* “City Size and Political Participation.” Review of Electoral Studies No. 4 (2005), (with Junko Yano and Tetsuya Matsubayashi).
* “Retreating Democracy: A Puzzle of Political Participation in Japan.” Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha Law Review) 55 (2004), 1-29.
* “Electoral Systems and Party Electoral Strategy.” In Essensyaru Seijigaku (Essential Political Science) , edited by Minoru Umezu and Katsu Tomisawa. Tokyo: Seibundo, (2000).
* “Issue Voting under the New Two-Ballot Electoral System in Japan.” Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha Law Review) 52 (2000), 1-25.
“Critical Elections of Japan in the 1990s: Does the LDP's Comeback in 1996 Mean Voter Realignment or Dealignment?" (with Aiji Tanaka) Waseda Political Studies XXXI: 25-46.
* “Voters’ Evaluation of the Economy and their Support of LDP Cabinets during the Period of LDP Dominance.” Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha Law Review) 51 (1999), 1-31.
* “Voters’ Evaluation of the Economy and their Support of the LDP during the Period of LDP Dominance.” Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha Law Review) 49 (1998).
* “Party Support Concept in Japan: ‘Back to the Basics’.” Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies 13 (1998).
“Introduction of A Recycling Program in Ann Arbor, Michigan: A Role of Citizen Participation.” Meiji Gakuin Ronso: Hogaku Kenkyu 62 (1997), (with Hiromi Nishizawa).
* “A Model of Voting Participation in Japan.” In Kankyo Hendo to Taido Henyo (Environmental Change and Additude Change) , edited by Joji Watanuki and Ichiro Miyake. Tokyo: Bokutakusha, (1997), (with Ichiro Miyake).
* “1994 US Mid-term Election: Why Did the Republican Party Win?.” Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies 11 (1996).
* “Political Parties as Political Actors: An Application of a Schema Model in Explaining 1989 Election of the House of Councilors .” Rebaiasan 10 (1992), (with Ken’ichi Ikeda).
* “Party Choice Elements in Japanese Voting Models.” Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies 7 (1992), (with Ichiro Miyake).
* “A Rational Choice Model of Voting Participation and Municipal Elections.” Toshimondai (October 1991).
* “Did Mr. Suzuki Really Collect ‘Sympathy Votes’? An Explanation of Tokyo Governorship Election of 1991.” Chucho-ho, (July 1991).
* “A Study of the Electoral Business Cycle in Japan: Elections and Government Spending on Public Construction.” Rebaiasan 6 (1990), (with Masaru Kohno).
“A Study of the Electoral Business Cycle in Japan: Elections and Government Spending on Public Construction.” Comparative Politics 22 (January 1990): 151-66, (with Masaru Kohno).
* “A Use of Computer Simulation for Electoral Systems Studies,” Meiji Gakuin Ronso: Hogaku Kenkyu 44 (1989).
Book Reviews:
* “Ideology and Japanese Politics by Masahiro Endo and Willy Jou,” Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies, 35-2 (2019).
* “The Japanese Election System: Three analytical perspectives by Junichiro Wada,” Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies, 12 (1997).
* “Mobilization, Participation, and Democracy in America by Steven J. Rosenstone and John Mark Hansen.” Rebaiasan 17 (1995).
* “Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society by Ronald Inglehart,” Japanese Journal of Electoral Studies 6 (1991).
* “How Many Subjects? Statistical Power Analysis in Research by Helena Chmura Kraemer and Sue Thiemann,” Nihon Yoronchosa Kyokai-Ho, March (1991).
Conference and Other Papers:
* “The Social Norms and Attitude Formation towards Hate Speech Regulation in Japan.” Paper submitted to the annual meeting of the Japan Political Science Association, Virtual, September 2021.
“Following the Norms or Following the Crowd?”[with Go Murakami] Prepared for delivery at the “virtual” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 10-13, 2020.
“A Study on the Mental Foundations and Evolving Legal Norms Regarding Hate Speech in Japan: Bandwagon Effect or Social Desirability Bias.” Paper submitted to the annual meeting of the Japan Political Science Association, Seikei University, October 2019.
* “Political Disparities among the Japanese Voters: A Time Series Analysis of Survey Data.” Paper submitted to the annual meeting of the Japan Political Science Association, Ritsumeikan University, October 2016.
* “Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Japanese Domestic Policy Preferences.”(with Ikuo Kume and Keiko Kojo) Paper presented at the Japan Association of International Relations Annual Meeting, Toki Messe Niigata Convention Center, Niigata, October 25, 2013.
* “The Lose of the Democratic Party of Japan at the 2010 Upper House Election: An Analysis of Change in Voter Support since the 2009 General Election.” Paper presented at the Korean Association of Electoral Studies Annual Meeting, Korean Civic Education Institute for Democracy, Seoul, November 19, 2010.
* “Have you Really Not Participated?” (with Koichi Kuriyama) Oral presentation at the International Symposium ‘Expectations, Institutions and Global Society’ at Waseda University, January 23, 2009.
* “Have you Really Not Participated?” (with Koichi Kuriyama) Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, August 30, 2008.
* “Upper House Election of 2007: A View through Survey Data.” Paper submitted to the annual meeting of the Japanese Association of Electoral Studies, Nihon University, May 2008.
* “The Current Issue of ‘Social Gap’ and the Political Divide.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Japan Political Science Association, Meiji Gakuin University, October 2007.
“Filling a Gap between Social Capital and Civic Engagement in Japan” Paper presented at the XXth World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Fukuoka, Japan, July 9-13, 2006.
* “Economic Voting and Institution: A Test Using the CSES Data.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Japan Election Studies Association, Chuo University, May 2004.
“Retreating Democracy: A Puzzle of Political Participation in Japan.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington D.C., August 31-September 3, 2000.
“Economic Voting: Does Institution Affect the Way Voters Evaluate Incumbents?” Paper presented at the XVIIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Quebec City, Canada, August 1-5, 2000.
* “Public Opinion and Political Participation: Who Said I Wanted to Participate?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Japan Election Studies Association, Musashi Institute of Technology, May 2000.
* “Policy Evaluation and Voting Behavior: Issue Voting under the Two-ballot System.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Japan Political Science Association, Kokugakuin University, October 1999.
“An Integrative Approach to Analyzing Voting Behavior under Japan’s Mixed Electoral System.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, September 1999 (with Motoshi Suzuki).
* “ICPSR: its present and future.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Japan Election Studies Association, Gakushuin University, May 1998.
“Critical Elections of Japan in the 1990s: Does the LDP’s Comeback in 1996 Mean Voter Realignment or Dealignment?” Paper presented at the XVIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Seoul, Korea, August 1997 (with Aiji Tanaka).
“The 1993 Political Change and the Voters in Japan.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, USA, August 1995 (with Ichiro Miyake).
* “1994 US Mid-term Election: Why Did the Republican Party Win?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Japan Election Studies Association, University of Okayama, May 1995.
“Electoral Reform and Voting Participation in Japan.” Paper presented at the XVIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Berlin, Germany, August 1994 (with Ichiro Miyake).
* “A Retrospective Response on Economy: An Explanation of Change in Public Support toward the Liberal Democratic Party.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Japan Political Science Association, University of Ryukyu, October 1992.
“An electoral system for Curacao.” Consultation Document prepared for Kousa Komun with Douglas Rae, 1988.
* Items marked with an asterisk (*) are in Japanese.Downloadable Published/Unpublished Documents
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